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unconditional debtの例文


  • And they refused to endorse unconditional debt cancellation and foreign aid.
  • They refused to endorse unconditional debt cancellation and foreign aid.
  • Unconditional debt relief, which would reward irresponsible economic policies, is not the answer.
  • They refused to endorse unconditional debt cancellation and foreign aid, although they promised to continue to support ongoing development programs.
  • "' Philippine government securities "'( locally referred to as " GS " ) are the unconditional debt obligations of the Republic of the Philippines.
  • One Washington-based economics expert, however, said there has been a boom in foreign investment in developing countries and said unconditional debt relief would undermine their credit worthiness.
  • While in May 2010 he voiced concerns over Jean-Claude Trichet s unconditional debt-purchasing programme, he  unlike Jens Weidmann of Germany  supported Mario Draghi s conditional plan to buy government bonds.